GROOVE NYC is more than dance.
Moving our bodies and engaging our minds to unleash the best part of ourselves!
What is Groove NYC?
We are a 501c3 organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of young people, both within classroom settings and through community-based organizations and out-of-school time programs.
We empower students, teachers, and community leaders with resources and strategies that help reduce stress, express themselves uniquely, and thrive using the healing arts!
GROOVE NYC helps students, educators, and community leaders through tailored resources and innovative strategies, encouraging environments where they can effectively
manage stress,
nurture their individuality
and thrive
through the transformative power of the healing arts!
How does Groove NYC do this?
It’s simple. And it works.
Transform young people’s experiences through the integration of
Non-Competitive Movement and Mindfulness Breaks,
along with dance, music, writing, and art.
Numerous studies from around the globe have demonstrated the profound benefits of creativity and play, including heightened happiness, increased engagement, and even enhanced test scores.
See for yourself!
Even beyond these activities, GROOVE NYC fully embraces the concept of brain breaks. Following sessions of dancing, artistic expression, or writing, participants are encouraged to pause, reflect, and engage in mindful breathing and meditation.
GROOVE NYC provides opportunities for youth and underserved families to envision their next steps and ignite the hope necessary to pursue them. We empower individuals of all ages to focus on their dreams and develop actionable plans to turn them into reality.
What We Offer
Educator Professional Development
FREE! Teacher Resources From GROOVE NYC
GROOVE NYC Leadership Academy
GROOVES For Families
Community Building Grooves
When young people tap into their creative side, they have a more positive view of themselves and the world around them.
Transforming mindsets and envisioning a new way be!
Creates an engaging environment and gets everyone ready to learn something new
Empowers educators and youth leaders to facilitate quick and easy Social, Emotional and Ethical sessions with minimum time and maximum fun.
Family GROOVES that build community through intergenerational, multicultural GROOVE NYC experiences.